AgeWell Ireland travel to Italy
AgeWell Ireland travel to Italy

Last week was an incredible experience for our team . Ruth had the honor of speaking about the AgeWell Europe* project at the #pa4age Conference in Treviso, Italy. Anne led three energising multimodal exercise classes tailored for middle-aged and older adults, along with health professionals from across Europe. It was amazing to see such positive engagement from everyone involved! We will continue to collaborate, learn, and build healthier communities together.

*AgeWell Europe is an 8-week online, on-demand exercise and health education programme specifically designed for middle-aged and older adults (40-80 years) in Europe. It is suitable for adults of all functional ability, living with or without a range of clinical conditions. We are excited to announce that we will be recruiting participants from Ireland, Italy, Germany, and Slovenia for the AgeWell project in January! Stay tuned for details on how you can join us.

AgeWell is funded by the #ErasmusPlus program of the European Union. Thank you Erasmus Plus and Léargas.


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