For 20 years, we have designed, implemented, and evaluated evidence-based health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness programs across academia, research, industry, and the community. Most of our programs in Ireland have been funded by Local Sports Partnerships, Healthy Ireland, Sláintecare, Sport Ireland, Pobal, and others.

We specialise in healthy functional aging, wellbeing, mental health, and the prevention, treatment, and management of clinical conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, and arthritis. For the corporate sector, we customise workshops and provide supporting take-home resources on any health, fitness, nutrition, or wellness topic. These are often in line with national/global health days e.g. wellbeing at work day.

Online workshop fee: €450 + VAT (13.5%)
*This includes the branded resources.
