Does muscle weigh more than fat?
MUSCLE DOES NOT WEIGH MORE THAN FAT 5 pounds of muscle WEIGHS the same as 5 pounds of fat. HOWEVER 1 pound of muscle takes up less space in your body than a pound of fat. Muscle cells use energy, while the fat cells store energy. So by gaining muscle through strength training, you increase […]
Healthy Snack Recipes
Check out these delicious healthy snack recipes that we prepared for week 4 of the Wellness UnLAOISed programme. Homemade Oat Bread Peanut Butter Balls Blueberry Oat Bars Wellness UnLAOISed is designed and delivered by EduFIT in partnership with Laois Sports Partnership and Offaly Sports Partnership and funded by Sport Ireland. #wellnessunlaoised #snacks #recipes Previous Next + […]