The fantastic team at IdentifyHer are looking for women who are experiencing HOT FLUSHES or NIGHT SWEATS due to PERIMENOPAUSE or MENOPAUSE to take part in their latest research study on Friday 25th August. Please read below for more information and scan the QR code to sign up.

What’s involved?
You will be asked to wear a sensor for 3 days and record the time of an event (hot flush or night sweat) on an app. This data will be anonymous.

This research will be used to develop a wearable sensor to detect hot flushes and night sweats in the future which will make it easier for clinicians to diagnose perimenopause and provide the best treatment for each woman.

We would be very grateful if you could also please share this with your networks.

#menopause #menopauseireland #menopauseresearch #identifyher