Did you know? We lose muscle from the age of 30!
Did you know? We lose muscle from the age of 30!

Did you know that after the age of 30, people can lose 3-5% of their muscle mass per decade?😲The good news is that strength training can help you maintain and rebuild muscle at any age 💪. Aim to do 2 strength sessions per week. A strength exercise is any activity that makes your muscles work harder than usual. It involves using your body weight or working against resistance.

Examples of muscle-strengthening activities include:
👉bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, lunges and squats
👉lifting weights such as dumbbells, kettlebells
👉working with resistance bands
👉heavy gardening, such as digging and shoveling
👉climbing stairs
👉hill walking

We incorporate strength exercises into our live online Strength & Tone classes at 7pm every Monday, our Core & Tone classes at 7:40pm every Thursday and our BodyWell classes at 8pm on a Monday & Thursday. Click HERE.

We would love for you to join our classes. They are suitable for all fitness levels and for people living with clinical conditions 😊. It costs just €9.99 per month!
Click here to view our exercise class timetable and to sign up click HERE.

Dr Diane Cooper is the founder and CEO of EduFIT, a Clinical Exercise Physiologist and Health Researcher.

#edufit #edufitireland #exercisetips #drdianecooper

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