Training & The Female Menstrual Cycle | EduFIT & Cavan Sports Partnership
EduFIT, in partnership with Cavan Sports Partnership, are delighted to invite you to this FREE 60-minute online evidence-based health education masterclass on ‘Training & The Female Menstrual Cycle’ with Dr Kiera Ward (Exercise Physiologist, Sports Scientist, and Health Researcher) and Ruth Kavanagh, MSc. ANutr.
This online masterclass will take place live on Zoom on Monday 3rd March from 7.00-8.00pm (including Q&A). This masterclass will be recorded and the recording will be emailed to everyone who has signed up for the masterclass. Take-home resources will also be provided.
In this masterclass, you will learn about training, nutrition, recovery and wellbeing with special considerations related to the menstrual cycle. This workshop is designed for young active females (aged 15 – 18 years) and for people who support young active girls including fitness instructors, coaches, female liaison officers, PE teachers, friends and family.
This masterclass will be delivered by EduFIT and is funded by Cavan Sports Partnership.
Please complete the short sign-up form below to sign-up for this masterclass. Please note, our emails may arrive in your spam/junk folder, so please ‘mark as not spam’.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
‘Prime Time of Life’ is our free, evidence-based 12-week multimodal exercise and health education programme for adults in county Laois.
‘Prime Time of Life’ is being delivered in (i) Portarlington, (ii) Portlaoise and (iii) online. Please sign-up to one of these programmes.
Each week, you will be asked to attend two 60-minute exercise classes per week (onsite or online) and one 15-minute health education class per week (online).
The online classes will be delivered via Zoom. We will send you an email with the link to join the online classes. This is a straightforward process as you will just need to click on the link we send to you.
During each exercise class, you will perform a warm-up followed by a combination of strength, balance, flexibility, mobility, and cardiovascular fitness exercises and finally a cool down. All exercises will be performed at your own ability and desired level of intensity. All exercises will be appropriate for your level of fitness and will be modified to ensure that they take into consideration any injuries or clinical issues that you have. This programme is designed, delivered, and monitored by trained professionals so you will be in safe hands!
If you sign up to this programme, you will be asked to complete some tests at home during the first and last week of online exercise classes. We will be testing your aerobic fitness, strength, balance, and flexibility. Please do not worry, these tests are not difficult, and we will explain everything you need to know about each test. The reason we do these tests is so that we can see what changes occur after the programme. All participants must take part in this session before and after the programme. We will also send you some questionnaires to complete online before and after the intervention.
This programme has ended.
We recommend for you to have your mobile phone (if we need to call you privately during the class), a bottle of water and an exercise mat with you during the exercise classes so that it is more comfortable for you to do floor exercises.
Please note that if you are unable to do floor exercises, there will be alternative exercises provided.
We are delighted to say this programme is brought to you in partnership with Laois Sports Partnership, Sport Ireland, and Sláintecare so places on this programme are completely FREE for participants!
This programme has ended.