Ruth Kavanagh, MSc, ANutr

Ruth is a registered associate nutritionist (ANutr) and active health researcher. Ruth completed an honours Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and a Research Masters following her award from the Irish Research Council. Ruth’s main roles include designing and delivering evidence-based nutrition and health education workshops and programmes. She helps lead participant recruitment, monitoring, and support in addition to communication and social media campaigns. To date, Ruth has nine research publications. Her research has focused on evaluating the effectiveness of tailored lifestyle interventions targeting specific demographics such as middle-aged and older adults, women in all stages of menopause, farmers, and third-level education students. Additionally, Ruth has evaluated the dietary intake, quality, and adherence to dietary cancer prevention recommendations in a cohort of cancer survivors in Ireland. Ruth likes to keep active in blue and green spaces but also loves the convenience of at home workouts. 

Ruth’s research publications to date: