Prime Time of Life - Longford

‘Prime Time of Life’ is a 12-week evidence-based multimodal exercise and health education programme for for adults aged 18-64 years with one or more clinical conditions and older adults ≥65 years, with and without clinical conditions, living in county Longford. It is suitable for adults of all fitness levels. 

Please note, there are only 40 places available on this programme. 



There is strong evidence to support the multiple benefits of physical activity to health and wellbeing in those with a chronic conditions and older adults. Physical activity is important for healthy ageing, contributes to cognitive function and helps to maintain quality of life and independence as we grow older. It is also a preventative factor for many non-communicable diseases such as COPD, heart disease and diabetes among others.

The aim of the ‘Physical Activity for Health’ initiatives including the multimodal ‘Prime Time of Life’ programme is to increase physical activity levels thereby improving the health and wellbeing of people living with chronic disease and older adults in County Longford, where everybody will be more physically active with less time spent being sedentary.

This ‘Physical Activity for Health’ programme is designed to:

  • Create increased opportunities for those with chronic conditions and older adults to be active in ways which fit in to everyday lives that suits individual needs, circumstances, and interests.
  • Remove the barriers which people with chronic conditions or older adults face to being active and encouraging these people to participate locally.
  • Facilitate development of a community physical activity participation stream for people living with chronic disease to support them to re-engage with physical activity; or for those who have completed a structured rehabilitation programme re-engage with community physical activity.


Funding for our ‘Prime Time of Life Longford’ programme was generously provided by the HSE through ‘Physical Activity for Health’ seed funding. This funding has provided us with the opportunity to offer accessible, comprehensive, and evidence-based exercise and health education programmes to all adults living in County Longford. The ‘Prime Time of Life Longford’ programme was designed by EduFIT in partnership with Laois Sports Partnership, and was primarily funded by Sláintecare. ‘Prime Time of Life’ is scientifically proven to improve strength, balance, flexibility, mobility, fitness and perception of physical health, mental health and quality of life! You read EduFIT’s research publications HERE if you are interested.


12-Week Programme Overview

  • The 12-week ‘Prime Time of Life Longford’ programme will take place in Longford Athletics Centre (N39 X6X8).
  • Pre-testing will take place on Tuesday 7th May from 1-3pm.
  • The in-person classes will take place on Tuesday’s and Friday’s from 2-3pm, commencing on Friday 10th May from 2-3pm.
  • Tuesdays class will include a 45-minute multimodal exercise class + 15-minute health education workshop each week.
  • Fridays class will include a 60-minute multimodal exercise class each week.  

If you have any questions, please contact us at or by using the details provided below.

Dr Diane Cooper |
Dr Kiera Ward | | 085 849 7737 
Ruth Kavanagh, ANutr. MSc. | | 083 374 8262


‘Prime Time of Life’ is our free, evidence-based 12-week multimodal exercise and health education programme for adults in county Laois. 

‘Prime Time of Life’ is being delivered in (i) Portarlington, (ii) Portlaoise and (iii) online. Please sign-up to one of these programmes.

Each week, you will be asked to attend two 60-minute exercise classes per week (onsite or online) and one 15-minute health education class per week (online). 

The online classes will be delivered via Zoom. We will send you an email with the link to join the online classes. This is a straightforward process as you will just need to click on the link we send to you. 

During each exercise class, you will perform a warm-up followed by a combination of strength, balance, flexibility, mobility, and cardiovascular fitness exercises and finally a cool down. All exercises will be performed at your own ability and desired level of intensity. All exercises will be appropriate for your level of fitness and will be modified to ensure that they take into consideration any injuries or clinical issues that you have.  This programme is designed, delivered, and monitored by trained professionals so you will be in safe hands!

If you sign up to this programme, you will be asked to complete some tests at home during the first and last week of online exercise classes. We will be testing your aerobic fitness, strength, balance, and flexibility. Please do not worry, these tests are not difficult, and we will explain everything you need to know about each test. The reason we do these tests is so that we can see what changes occur after the programme. All participants must take part in this session before and after the programme. We will also send you some questionnaires to complete online before and after the intervention.


This programme has ended.


We recommend for you to have your mobile phone (if we need to call you privately during the class), a bottle of water and an exercise mat with you during the exercise classes so that it is more comfortable for you to do floor exercises.

Please note that if you are unable to do floor exercises, there will be alternative exercises provided.

We are delighted to say this programme is brought to you in partnership with Laois Sports Partnership, Sport Ireland, and Sláintecare so places on this programme are completely FREE for participants!

Places are limited.

This programme has ended.