11-Minute Balance

This eleven-minute balance workout video begins with simple exercises like heel-to-toe steps, head turns, and lifting onto toes. It progresses to more dynamic moves, such as leg lifts and taps to the front, side, and back. The routine includes stepping onto and off a bench or step, maintaining balance while lifting the opposite leg, and […]

5-Minute Balance

In this video, EduFIT instructor Anne will lead you through this 5 minute balance routine. You will need a chair or to be near a wall for this routine especially if your balance is poor.  

5-Minute Balance

In this video, EduFIT instructor Anne will lead you through this 5 minute balance routine. You will need a chair or to be near a wall for this routine especially if your balance is poor.

7-Minute Balance

In this video, EduFIT instructor Anne will lead you through this 7 minute balance routine. You will need a chair or to be near a wall for this routine especially if your balance is poor.