EduFIT attends the Living Well Expo Event
EduFIT attends the Living Well Expo Event

Our team were delighted to present at The Living Well Expo Event last week in Portlaoise College. Dr Diane Cooper (CEO) delivered two workshops titled ‘MenoWell: promoting wellness before, during and after menopause’. Dr Diane Cooper, Dr Kiera Ward and Ruth Kavanagh ANutr proudly showcased our EduFIT and BRAND NEW MenoWell at Home services. Thank you to everyone who took the time to speak to us throughout the day, we really appreciated it.

Yours in health,
The EduFIT team

#edufit #menowell #menowellathome #health #livingwell

Dr Diane Cooper presented two workshops titled ‘MenoWell: promoting wellness before, during and after menopause’. Participants learned about the different stages of menopause, what can happen to our bones, muscles and heart before, during and after menopause and what little things we can do in our daily lives for a healthier and happier menopause. Diane also explained how to promote S.E.L.F care throughout the menopausal transition.

Ruth Kavanagh ANutr (L) and Dr Kiera Ward (R) proudly showcased our EduFIT and MenoWell at Home services. Thank you to everyone who took the time to speak to us throughout the day, we really appreciated it.


Please see below Dr Diane Cooper’s workshop notes from the Living Well Expo Event. Click on ‘Next’ and ‘Previous’ to view the notes.

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