MenoWell Week 1 Resource
MenoWell Week 1 Resource
Dr Diane Cooper delivered the first health education workshop last night to our MenoWell Research Study participants. The topic of the week is ‘Muscle Matters in Menopause’. As you can see from the resource below there is a major difference in the composition of bone, fat and muscle tissue from a 70 year old trained woman and a 70 year old sedentary and untrained woman. This highlights just how important it is to do resistance training (also known as strength training). It is recommended to do strength training 2-3 times per week. Scan the QR code below to access a FREE 30 minute resistance training exercise video.
MenoWell is a FREE 6-week exercise and health education programme for women in all stages of menopause living in Laois.
This research study has received funding from Sport Ireland in partnership with Laois Sports Partnership.

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