MenoWell Week 2 Resource: Nutrition for a Healthy Menopause
MenoWell Week 2 Resource: Nutrition for a Healthy Menopause
Ruth Kavanagh ANutr (registered associate nutritionist) shared 9 practical nutrition tips with our MenoWell Research Study participants on Wednesday evening. All of the tips are linked to Mediterranean dietary practices. The Mediterranean diet is one of the best-studied diets and it has many health benefits with strong evidence showing that it is associated with better cardiovascular health outcomes, reducing risk and managing type 2 diabetes, and reducing the risk of some cancers. It also has beneficial effects on brain health and quality of life! The Mediterranean style diet may help to offset symptoms that accompany the menopause.
The Mediterranean diet is high in vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, beans, cereals, grains, fish and unsaturated fats such as olive oil.
Ruth also shared additional tips for women who experience hot flushes; reduce caffeine, alcohol and spicy foods.
MenoWell is a FREE 6-week exercise and health education programme for women in all stages of menopause living in Laois.
This research study has received funding from Sport Ireland in partnership with Laois Sports Partnership.

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