MenoWell Week 4 Resource: Building Bones in Menopause
MenoWell Week 4 Resource: Building Bones in Menopause

In general, osteoporosis is more common among women than men. This is due to women’s lower bone mass and the loss of estrogen during menopause. However, exercise is considered to be the main non-pharmacological treatment for prevention of osteoporosis and fall-related fractures. 

To learn more about what exercise we should be doing check out the resource below. Scan the QR code below to access a FREE 40-minute multimodal exercise class.

MenoWell is a FREE 6-week exercise and health education programme for women in all stages of menopause living in Laois.

This research study has received funding from Sport Ireland in partnership with Laois Sports Partnership.

#menowell #research #menopause #Laois #edufit #Laoissportspartnership #sportireland #DCU

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